Prepare for Live Operations

Integrate your asset & develop a winning bidding strategy

Simulate live operations to hone in on the most lucrative approach as you prepare to go live.

Each market — and even each node — has unique dynamics, making one-size-fits-all operating strategies ineffective.

Why Tyba

Bridge development and live operations.

  • Get your asset online faster

    Integrate your asset with key market players, and conduct comprehensive testing to ensure data interoperability.

  • Track daily market prices

    Industry leading Day-Ahead and rolling, Real-Time price forecasts powered by a timeseries neural network architecture.

  • Hone your bidding strategy

    Shadow bid your asset to test different approaches, and align on a strategy tailored to the unique market context.

Top performance

Ensure optimal operations

  • < 1


    To launch a new asset once integrated.

  • ~80%

    Revenue capture

    From RT-only operations prior to Checklist
    Part 3 approval.

  • Unlimited

    Shadow bidding strategies

    Available to run prior to go-live to hone in on the optimal default strategy.

How it works

Prepare for a successful go-live with access to our forecasts and shadow bidding platform.

  • 01

    Project-Specific Intelligence

    We train our AI on your project, asset and node.

  • 02

    Simulate Bidding

    Receive Day-Ahead price forecasts and bid recommendations for your asset, as though it were live.

  • 03

    Mimic Live Operations

    View how the platform would leverage bid awards, real-time re-forecasting, and asset constraints to operate your asset in auto-pilot mode.

  • 04

    Assess outcomes

    Visualize how much revenue you would have returned that day, and compare relevant benchmarks to gauge performance.

Key use cases

Designed to get you to revenue generation faster.

  • Seamless Market

    Green tick icon

    Ensure your asset is fully connected and ready for live market participation.

  • Data-Driven Bidding

    Green tick icon

    Refine your bidding approach by shadow testing and observing optimized results before going live.

  • Risk-Aligned Strategy Development

    Green tick icon

    Adjust for specific constraints and tolerance levels to create a resilient operational approach.

Case Studies

Explore our case studies

Get in touch

Let’s develop my go-live strategy.