Project Simulation

Discover the optimal design for your next energy project

Simulate battery operations and revenue potential for custom project designs.

Every project has unique design considerations and offtake opportunities that evolve throughout the development process.

Why Tyba

Streamline project modeling without sacrificing precision.

  • Scale modeling efforts

    Unlimited project simulations through our web app, or via API enable you to test thousands of variations simultaneously.

  • Improve dispatch and revenue modeling accuracy

    Realistic simulated battery activity informed by live optimizer, accounting for market rules and physical asset constraints.

  • Hone a defensible investment case

    Visibility into all data inputs allows you to understand revenue drivers and defend your assumptions.

Unlimited simulations

Powering seamless and effective modeling

  • 100GW+

    Projects evaluated in-platform

    With thousands of possible configurations.

  • 10+

    ISOs modeled

    Spanning three continents.

  • $1B+

    Projects financed

    Based on Tyba simulations.

How it works

Hone in on the optimal project design.

  • 01

    Select locations

    Search by address or node name – available offtake approaches will automatically populate.

  • 02

    Input project details

    Add specifications such as battery size, cycling constraints, co-located generation, and more.

  • 03

    Simulate dispatch

    Tyba’s platform analyzes historical price data, your project constraints, and market rules to develop daily operating strategies that inform a detailed revenue forecast.

  • 04

    Review production and commercial outcomes

    Visualize how the asset would operate, and the revenue it would bring in.

  • 05

    Compare project options

    Duplicate configurations and adjust any variable to see impact.

Key use cases

Rapid, multi-scenario modeling platform for teams evaluating energy storage projects.

  • Develop a revenue maximizing standalone or co-located project

    Green tick icon

    Account for, and optimize across, all generation and storage assets.

  • Assess the value of adding storage
    to a generation facility

    Green tick icon

    Quantify revenue uplift across the facilities under consideration, accounting for curtailment, load shifting, and arbitrage opportunities.

  • Establish a defensible

    investment case

    Green tick icon

    Transparency around data inputs and revenue drivers to inform how outcomes will be achievable.

  • Craft a win-win bid for M&A, RFPs,
    and state incentive programs

    Green tick icon

    Factor in operating constraints, value-add hours, and more to simulate achievable operating plans and revenue outcomes.


  • “Tyba has made it possible to model complex state incentive programs — accounting for charge/discharge constraints, multiple revenue streams, and more. We can now craft winning bids, and know our project will hit revenue targets once live.

    Richard Petroni
    Director of Markets & Policy
    Calibrant Energy

  • “The Tyba team is comprised of hardworking problem solvers who are great at providing customized support. Their products have allowed us to effectively model revenue for a unique range of project designs, and their team has supported us in refining scenarios for BESS market participation.”

    Phoebe Autio
    Energy Markets Analyst
    Copia Power

Case Studies

Seamless project modeling

Get in touch

Let’s talk about my next project.