Market Intel
Maximize the Profitability of Energy Storage Projects
Mission control for your growing storage portfolio with an all-in-one bidding, dispatch, and optimization platform.

Selected Clients
Trusted by companies leading the clean energy transition
Our results
Grid decarbonization
meets profitability
Assets under management
Operating across markets
Revenue uplift
Compared to manual trading strategies
Revenue performance
Revenue performance above 95% of ERCOT assets
Shared success
From designing your first project,
to operating a global portfolio
Prioritize high impact energy projects
Model thousands of project configurations to discover the optimal design.
Hone your bidding approach
Leverage market-leading forecasts to develop your bidding strategy and risk tolerance.
Operate live
assetsDevelop and deploy optimal dispatch strategies, bolstered by real-time optimization.
Grow your
portfolioPrepare for long-term growth & optimize across many assets and markets.
Platform overview
Developers, owners, and operators use Tyba for end-to-end project optimization
Understand future project returns
Transparent, configurable project simulations provide a realistic view of production and commercial outcomes.
Improve revenue outcomes with accurate forecasts
AI-powered price forecasts (complete with confidence intervals) for every product in the day-ahead and real-time markets to inform optimal bidding and dispatch.
Automate operations and maintain control
Tyba can serve as your auto-pilot, or your control center. Either way we’ll enable your team to unlock revenue uplift and streamline operations.
Maximize operating revenue
Bespoke daily bidding strategies that balance ancillary services with energy arbitrage yield revenue 3x higher than market benchmarks, without taking undue risk.