Transparent modeling of financial and physical outcomes.
Best-in-class price forecasts and dispatch recommendations.
Continuous re-forecasting and proactive state of charge management.
Configure, test, and deploy automated forecasting, energy optimization, and bidding strategies.
Hone in on the optimal project design, with a realistic view of potential returns informed by an active optimizer.
Operate the live asset using the same underlying logic, so returns deliver on, or exceed, expectations.
Plan for future expansions into diverse markets – so you can grow the value of your portfolio, and execute complex strategies.
Situation: A prolonged Texas heatwave in August 2023 resulted in one of the most lucrative weeks for BESS operators.
Tyba’s approach: To maximize total returns, Tyba proactively balances energy dispatch with state of charge management.
Result: Tyba realized up to 40% higher returns than top-performing assets in ERCOT.
Tyba unblocks a complex issue for distribution and transmission project development: dispatch logic and revenue/risk tradeoffs for real-time operations. With a combination of detailed datasets, dispatch logic customization, and summary outputs, we can understand how a plant would perform under varied circumstances and communicate that with executive-level reports. We can also hone in on the optimal dispatch parameters (cycle limits, frequency of events, hedge requirements) using the backtested predictions, for a sound risk and revenue sensitization analysis.
Tyba takes the guesswork out of complex PV + storage modeling. Unlike typical PV + ESS modeling platforms, Tyba allows you to iterate numerous times in an efficient way as variables in the analysis change or to test sensitivities to different factors. This is critical to our business and allows us to provide the most value to our customers.
© 2023 Tyba Energy Inc. San Francisco, CA